नमो नम:
Greetings to those readers who have ventured to take on this challenging reading.
In my mind’s eye I also send my greetings to Master Patanjali and all Masters and Teachers of Yoga whom I pay my obeisance; to those experts who have already ventured to give their comments on this anything but simple text, and to all those seeking and willing to cognize!
For many years, almost from the very beginning of my yoga practice, I’ve been working hard on comprehending the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and providing an adequate detailed comment on its text. In scope of this I have arranged several seminars dedicated to this text and I have written several hundred pages of analytical research. However, both the complicacy of the subject and the lack of time have prevented me from having finished the book in the form that could totally satisfy me. Yet in our age of internet technologies I have found another opportunity to make it happen. I will be giving a phased, step by step commentary on the text together with my ideas that come up in scope of my working on it in form of a blog.
This approach will enable me to comprehend the accumulated material in a more thorough and deliberate manner, and it will also make it possible for the reader to perceive the material without haste and excitement. Besides, my students will thus see the entrails of the process of working on the book.
Due to its democracy the blog format will also give an option of avoiding the linear logic traditionally employed in book-writing and of solving the problem in a more democratic way by means of using short diverse articles on the topic.
So all those wishing to subscribe to my blog dedicated to commenting on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali can do it at http://yogasutra-comment.blogspot.com/.
Andrey Safronov

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